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Relax and Meditate with BetterSleep

Stress affects everyone, but when your stress seems so insurmountable that you can’t sleep, it may be time to find tools to help you relax.

If you find yourself unable to fall asleep, it could be stress taking over. It starts out small. You think about your day at work, which leads you to think about your finances, which leads you to think about your family, home, pets, friends, the future. Before you know it, this overwhelming flood of thoughts gets in the way of your restorative sleep. Luckily these elements that prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep can be fixed through sleep meditations.


Meditation for beginners

Meditation can help you let go of your day-to-day stress and anxiety, you can even use it to get rid of your sleeping troubles.
Learn to meditate

Tinnitus meditation

The ringing sound caused by Tinnitus can make it difficult to fall asleep. In addition to seeing a professional, meditation can help distract you from the noise made by tinnitus so you can get some sleep.
Get relief

Breathing techniques

These exercises help you calm down through your own respiration.
Breathe deeply

Lucid dream meditation

Dreams can have an impact on the quality of your sleep, but with the help of dream meditation, you can avoid stressful dreams and sleep better.
Learn more
relaxation techniques

Tips & Trick to Get Relaxed

relaxation techniques

1. Improve Your Mental Wellbeing

  • Removing stressors from your life begins with the mind: It won’t take you long to incorporate these tips into your life, but they can have a big impact on your mental wellbeing.
  • Learn how to say no: Try to avoid putting yourself in a position in which you have too many things to do and not enough time to do them. This can lead to feelings of self-defeat that will only make stress worse.
  • Use audio tracks to help you relax: Researchers have discovered that certain sounds are not only relaxing but also do wonders for treating health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
  • Write your stresses out on paper: According to scientists from Harvard Medical School, journaling is one of the most powerful ways of dealing with traumatic and stressful life experiences.
  • Practice Meditation: If you need help meditating, begin with a guided meditation to help you get used to the core principles.

2. Get Active

  • You can improve your attitude and decrease your stress by getting active: Keeping in tune with your body will keep you stress-free throughout the day.
  • Try being active outside: Being exposed to nature and the outdoors can do wonders for lowering your heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Fix your diet and supplementation: Limit your caffeine intake and avoid drinking it late in the day. Eat well-balanced meals and make sure to drink lots of water. Try to reduce or eliminate the use of cigarettes and drugs.
  • Take big breaths: Deep breathing is one of the easiest and fastest ways to take control of your mental state.

3. Develop Social Connections

  • Having a network of loved ones to support you during stressful times is important. Strong social connections will help you cope with stress.
  • Spend quality time with friends and family: Being around loved ones can distract you from focusing on your stressful thoughts. Their love and support can also be helpful in unpacking your stress.
  • Laugh out loud: Humor provides a different way of viewing the world by poking fun at your current beliefs and perceptions.
  • Engage in physical intimacy: Regular physical contact and intimacy is a science-approved strategy for lowering your cortisol levels and feeling less stressed out.
  • Hang out with your pet: Several studies conducted over the last decade found that animal companionship can boost our self-esteem, satisfy our need for physical contact, and lower our blood pressure.
Meditation for Sleep

Tips & Trick to Meditate for Sleep

Meditation for Sleep

1. Make it a nightly Routine

To really feel the benefits of meditation it is essential that you make it a habit. Take your time, start with a short meditation. Be patient and kind to yourself, meditation comes with practice.

2. Find the Right Environment

In order to get the most out of sleep meditation, make sure your bedroom is an oasis where you feel relaxed and comfortable. Avoid distractions such as laptops, televisions and tablets in the bedroom. Use white noises or relaxing music in the background.

3. Find the Right Position

Before beginning a sleep meditation, you should find a comfortable position so that you can gently fall asleep after your practice has ended. Turn off the lights, lie down, and snuggle up under the covers. The right position can help you with taking deep breaths, which are an essential part of meditation.

4. Clear Your Mind

Notice your thoughts and let them go. We know this is easier said than done. The most important thing to remember is to not get carried away with thoughts and distractions while you are meditating. Be kind to yourself. Choose a mantra that reminds you to be aware of your feelings, but to let them go until the morning.
